Prairie Landing
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
  Proof that I live in a real city
You know how in New York, the downtown stores do up Christmas with outrageously glam window displays? They do that here too. This was a novelty for me since in Baltimore, no one bothered except the library, and in Providence, I don't even know what you'd "do up" other than the Blue Bug on I-95. So I got that warm and fuzzy 1950s feeling of living in a city where people actually give a damn and will consider doing their Christmas shopping someplace without free parking.

Here are several photos from around my L stop. Marshall Fields had a "Snow White" theme of some kind.

I guess this is Snow White's mom. That window has an assload of iridescent glitter.

No explanation necessary.

Hail, hail the gods of commerce! Make straight their path!

All about my deep-dish lifestyle.

February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / April 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / May 2007 /

My inspirations: A Ianqui in Greenwich Village - Noise Footprint's Journal - PHILLY Roll - Storm Trooper In Drag's Journal - Chesapeake Explorer - Colliculus - CatTastic - Oh Dog, You Sleuth! - Pangaea Goes to Spookytown - Bitter Orange - Edible Chicago - ilovero-bots

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