More sunshine and flowers
Class was tedious tonight. People kept asking stupid questions or "sharing" their experiences -- a frequent objection of mine in marketing classes. I used to wonder if the problem was me. But then I noticed nobody at my JOB asks an assload of tiresome questions mainly designed to show off how incredibly perceptive and knowledgable they are, and how we all have something to contribute.
Instead, they all bond over Oprah, the Bachelor, baby pictures and "Under the Tuscan Sun." (There are 7 guys in my department of 44.) And, of course, Big 10 football which knows no gender lines. But soon, they will figure out I'm not a real girl.
I got to spread the Good Word of Saint Etienne today. One of my coworkers really likes Britpop so I copied her a CD. You know you've heard St E from me or Colliculus before! And you know you love their incredible British hyper-sweetness!!
Also I've been learning a lot about fistulae. I was going to post a link to a picture but it is just way too gross.