Prairie Landing
Monday, August 02, 2004
  Weekend Roundup
Friday night we tried to go see Harry Potter finally and it was SOLD OUT! I couldn't believe it.

Originally we tried to get my sister to hang out. But she and her roommate* Scott O'Sheffield's are on the South Beach Dietâ„¢ and that means no drinking for 2 weeks. I pretty much forgot how to have fun without alcohol so that does it for me.

Saturday our job was to round up Mr. McFoolery's sister Lanassi from New York and -- the greater challenge -- Mr. McF himself, who had no inkling of our plans. At the crack of 3, no less. Luckily he'd gone to bed early the night before and was willing to meet up with us and our "friend from Sacramento," carefully described as female, attractive and cool but from a place that precluded any kind of relationship. When we showed up he was already there. I introduced L. as "my friend Aparna" and he actually held out his hand and started introducing himself before doing a complete double-take.

Saturday night we went out to one of the best parties I've been to. Maybe the best I've been to in Chicago. Pangaea was turning 35, as was the hostess, so it was a '70s themed party complete with disco ball. The apartment was a cavernous raw space in Ukrainian Village with a mirrored dance floor.

And that's about it. The rest of the time I was zonked out on Fioricet. I've taken to spending my headache time running errands (walking or chauffered by Colliculus) so local merchants bore the brunt of it. I cornered a bank teller for 20 or 30 minutes during the "chatty" phase many of you have come to know. I bet he wishes Bank One's "neighborhood banking" referred to somebody else's neighborhood.

*[Edited August 7 after I realized Google was getting too nosy.]

All about my deep-dish lifestyle.

February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / April 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / May 2007 /

My inspirations: A Ianqui in Greenwich Village - Noise Footprint's Journal - PHILLY Roll - Storm Trooper In Drag's Journal - Chesapeake Explorer - Colliculus - CatTastic - Oh Dog, You Sleuth! - Pangaea Goes to Spookytown - Bitter Orange - Edible Chicago - ilovero-bots

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