Prairie Landing
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
  I Am the Caretaker
Colliculus's entire department went to a conference this weekend, leaving me with 3 cats (in 3 places) and no car. Then on Saturday, the cats' owners all come home. And then Colliculus's entire old department is crashing at our house!

Meanwhile, his absence means it's time for a long-due soy binge. I'm going out to an African restaurant Friday, woo-hoo!

Do you know, almost every night when I watch the Simpsons, there's a tornado, storm, or flood warning? Tonight the warning was for 3-inch hailstones and 80 mph winds. It never seems to be as bad as they say, though. I bet the people in charge of that never heard the story of the boy who cried wolf.

All about my deep-dish lifestyle.

February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / April 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / May 2007 /

My inspirations: A Ianqui in Greenwich Village - Noise Footprint's Journal - PHILLY Roll - Storm Trooper In Drag's Journal - Chesapeake Explorer - Colliculus - CatTastic - Oh Dog, You Sleuth! - Pangaea Goes to Spookytown - Bitter Orange - Edible Chicago - ilovero-bots

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