More rhapsodizing about food, plus shopping
I've been behind on the ol' blog because my friend Michelle came to visit from Atlanta. That, and I had a bunch of work to do.
Michelle brings out either the worst or the best in me. She gets me to throw money all over the place and stuff myself silly -- but only on the absolute best clothing (nothing orange, crystal not rhinestones) and only with really high-quality food. After 3 days of this, someone called from Bombay to find out if my credit card had been stolen and I discovered I gained 3 pounds.
Saturday we went to this place called the Phoenix for dim sum and it was soooo good. She said it might be the best dim sum she's had in the U.S. (possibly San Fran beat it out, but she wasn't sure).
Soooo good! I've only had dim sum once, with my friend Gene, and all I can say is: Gene, and everyone else reading this except my husband, you need to come out to Chicago because the pork dumplings will change your life. They changed mine.
I think that might've been 2 of the 3 pounds. Yesterday we hit the Asian grocery store and had a great big stuff-a-thon of wontons, turnovers, and pecan tassies. So that was pretty gorgesome too, but I actually worked hard for it.