Prairie Landing
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Corporate annual reports can be fun!

In my idleness, I'm taking an online investor relations course. Our end-of-term project involves poring over 7 companies' annual reports. We got to pick the companies, although you had to pick 3 from every industry because you could pretty much bet at least half the companies would be slack and never send you the report. Why anyone invests in them, I can't imagine. (Yes YOU, Coca-Cola!)

It's a really, really boring project, but here are some nuggets of amusement:
- Tiffany's manufactures most of its jewelry in Rhode Island. Who knew?
- In the part where you have to list risks that could damage next year's revenues, Halliburton cited the risk of getting sued if that stolen radioactive material ever, ahem, turns up. Other risks noted by Halliburton included sanctions against Libya; war; peace; a negative outcome in the asbestos lawsuit the company is fighting; and getting investigated for accounting irregularities.
- The key to profitability in the porn industry is to recycle content. Push it online, push it through cable, and dub it for international distribution. (Do you really have to dub porn?)
- Motorola's inside cover features an all-American family of four watching TV while the dad aims the remote. Dad is hogging the couch, the kids are sitting on the floor, and Mom is kneeling behind the couch. Everyone is having the goddam time of their lives, like they never watched a TV before. Oh, and the daughter and mom are blonde, son and dad brunette.
- The next photo in the Motorola report features a Japanese kid using his cell phone.
- It's true, everyone is incorporated in Delaware. Except Bacardi, which I wasn't allowed to use because it is incorporated in the Bahamas, and Vanguard, which has some sort of Communist ownership structure that apparently includes myself.

All about my deep-dish lifestyle.

February 2004 / March 2004 / April 2004 / May 2004 / June 2004 / July 2004 / August 2004 / September 2004 / October 2004 / November 2004 / December 2004 / January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / April 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / November 2006 / January 2007 / February 2007 / March 2007 / May 2007 /

My inspirations: A Ianqui in Greenwich Village - Noise Footprint's Journal - PHILLY Roll - Storm Trooper In Drag's Journal - Chesapeake Explorer - Colliculus - CatTastic - Oh Dog, You Sleuth! - Pangaea Goes to Spookytown - Bitter Orange - Edible Chicago - ilovero-bots

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